I don't see the need to redefine the solar system - Siraj Ahsan, Dubai
People all over the world are discussing the topic of Pluto being demoted so passionately as if one of their close friends is being subdued and they must do something (which invariably means kill time discussing it with others) about it. Most of them have a few questions. I would like to answer some of them for everyone's benefit. And then some people may say, "Who are you to answer those questions?" to which I would say, "No one. But then, Who Cares?"
So the questions go like this:
- Why are they doing it now? It does not make any sense!
- Oh I am emotionally attached to seeing it as a planet. Why are you breaking my heart?
- Why don't they realize that all the textbooks need to be changed?
And this is how I would like to answer them:
- Why they are doing it now? Better late then never. Would you not go to a doctor if you realized that you had been suffering from AIDS for the last 2 months? Okay, bad example but the point still holds. If the top people researching in this area think it does not qualify to be a planet anymore, then there must be some good reason behind it. It is not politics, after all.
- They are breaking your heart? Oh! I am so sorry for you honey. May be what you should do is to run to the closest shop selling a model of the now outdated solar system and at least preserve a model for yourself. This is science of planets, not the science of hearts!
- I see. So you think it is better to teach the young lads wrong stuff than to update the stuff? Hmm, nice point that.
So, as you can see, I am all for updating the textbooks and anything that is needed as long as we have a good reason to back it up with, specially if it is related to Science or Finance.
(This link here echoes my feelings)
And now there's more to it. A few big names have also joined the "outcry" as BBC reports here. What is happening? I see some of the questions above coming true!