- Knowledge of and (to certain minimum level) passion for Firefox Web Browser. Craze for extensions goes without saying.
- Acknowledge the fact that Linux is a great operating system and though some distributions might have some problem, overall it is shaping well to become the strongest contender for The Best Operating System.
- Believe that ♬MUSIC♬ is the reason for life. Gene Propagation is a secondary issue, although it is also highly important.
- Preach that The Beatles, are the GODS of music. Thy shall bow to the BEATLES!
- Agree with me when I say that there might be great music bands, great songs, great orchestra.. but Bryan Adams has his own place at the top (could be shared.. I am open to that idea).
- Possess "Live and Let Die" attitude.
- Last but most importantly, (s)he must pay due respect to my swimming costume, more famous by the name Pink Chaddi.
By the way, I notice that my simulations have completed and a few machines have been freed so I better close it here and get going!