You've got to be really brave to drive a vehicle in DelhiTo get things started, consider the case of what happened on numerous roads in the city today (September 12, 2007):
Some insane people, the group being quite large in number apparently, decided to protest by blocking various heavily-used roads at multiple points all over Delhi causing blockades and hence a lot of inconvenience to traffic throughout the city.
The news was all over the radio and television channels and the RJ, on the radio channel that I was listening to, ran out of breath multiple times when he started calling out the names of the roads affected. This is preposterous!!
And.. that is not the end of it. The police, according to the same RJ, had all the information about the 'protest' but never bothered to take any corrective/preventive measures. They intervened only once there was helter-skelter all over the city and there was complete pandemonium on the city roads. What the hell was the 'With You, For You, Always' force doing sitting on their butts when they knew what could happen (and it eventually happened!)?
Anyway, thankfully or luckily, I decided to leave for office a little early today (although I had no idea about the chakka jam protest) and therefore did not have to face the 'music' :-)
By the way, nobody knows what the protest was against.
This is a part of a series titled 'Delhi Driving'.